Total Lbs Lost: 13.6

* I totally gained more than that, but I got lucky with a case of the stomach flu yesterday so the scale is reflecting that.  It's not exactly how I wanted to start my New Year's Resolution fitness regime, since the main reason I'm even doing this is to feel better.  But I'll go with it. 

I loved this line in Devil Wear's Prada: 

Funny Confession Ecard: I'm just one more stomach flu away from my goal weight!

You know we've all thought that at one point or another.  (But than you actually get the stomach flu and you're like, "God, Please, No! I'll do anything!"


I was watching this documentary on Valentino a couple years ago and my favorite scene is when Valentino is being annoying bickering with his partner about something and his partner looks at him and says, "your belly is showing."  To which an incredulous Valentino replied, "Fat.  No, I am not fat."

Update: I found the clip online

Y'all my belly is showing. I know it. It's okay because it's filled with goodies like Christmas cookies I ate with Edward, wine I drank with friends and delicious dinners celebrating the fact that life is just good.  Soo I'm not going to dwell on what I did wrong over the holidays because really it's fine. Not looking back. 

Buuuut we still have the little problem of my belly. It's time for it to go.  There is no baby to be housed inside anymore, and it's getting in the way of my Britney Spear's dance routines that I want to post on YouTube for everyone to see.

One thing that will help is the treadmill I got for Christmas! I have yet to use it thanks to travel and stomach bugs, but I'm going to try it out today.   I plan on trying this Jillian Michael's Cardio Plan:

After being sick (or dealing with sick people) for most of Christmas break, it's time to get back to feeling good.  Also, the pediatrician referred to Christopher as Mr. Activity last time we were there because he literally never stopped moving.  This means no rest for the weary for the next 20 years so I better start conditioning myself now.

Who's on board with me?

You'll notice I titled this Slim Down Sunday: Week 1.  We're starting over.  I definitely don't have it figured out at all so I'm hoping y'all will go through this with me.  I do hope to bring y'all more articles that focus on the positive and make this a fun experience, but you know I'll be the first to fall off the wagon. 

So here are my goals this week:
  • Track my calories every day with My Fitness Pal (my username is jhadley32 if you want to be friends) 
  • Go back to Bar Method at least twice this week 
  • Do 20 minutes on the treadmill at least five times this week

I'll report back next Sunday!

If you need a little motivation, enjoy these links!

Oh Kim K.  This is strangely motivating, but what's with the curved doorway in the background? #photoshopconspiracytheory

Babies Ruin Bodies - I LOVED THIS! A must-read for all new mom's out there. This line left me in tears:  

Every limb, finger, toe...her heart, even, developed near the very place my own heart beats inside of my chest. Those mountains of skin are all I have left to prove that we were once one and not two. 
How can I be ashamed of that? 

Before-and-after weight-loss pictures debunked

Videos from Britney's Opening Night - she looks more like me than I expected, which is kind of nice

I love for recipes!  Here are her Top 25 Most Popular Recipes for 2013

I'm not usually one for diet books, but this Little Book Of Thin looks interesting and right up my alley.


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