For those of you who don't follow me on Instagram, I thought I'd share a funny little thing that happened over the weekend.  I was playing around with my "pretty things" and snapped a picture of this nice little moment in my house.  The lighting was perfect and with a quick push of a button I had an image that looked almost good enough to put in a magazine.  So naturally, I shared it on Instagram because, honestly, the fact that all of the cushions are on the sofas is a win in my book.  (Edward has discovered "the trampoline" underneath the cushions). 

So then I start getting all of these nice comments, which is really sweet, but also made me feel a little guilty.  Because some of my mom friends were like, "uh my house never looks like that!"  Mine doesn't either, hence the picture.  It was the perfect angle. 

Here's, literally, what was on the other side of the picture.

Even funnier, moments after I posted this, my father-in-law walked in my house and started laughing and joked, "you must have kids!"  Yep!  

I don't often like to share the chaotic moments in my life because who really wants to see and hear about that, but I do want to keep it real.  I'm sooo the last person who has it together.  I know the messes of toys are temporary so I don't drive myself crazy over them, but that means I have a messy house most of the time.  The lag time between folded laundry making it from my kitchen table to my closet is about 4.5 days, and, no matter how hard I try, piles of papers accumulate in various spots in my kitchen only to be stacked and moved around, waiting to be put in a more appropriate spot. 

Someday my house will be quiet and empty and clean and I'll be longing for the days of stepping on dinosaurs and making forts.  For now, I'll settle for a snapshot of a tidy put together moment while, outside the frame, Edward pours his giant box of Goldfish out onto the floor "so they can swim."  Because I love my house, especially the rascals who live in it. 

P.S. The white carpet is going soon! (I don't know what the previous owners did to it because it's held up surprisingly well considering the dog and the toddler.  But it's still going.)


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