Lbs of baby weight lost this week: 1.1 
Total weight loss: 3.3
* This week I did little to no cooking or exercise.  Kip was out of town and I have a nasty cough so I was in survival mode.  I did stay under my calories for the most part, which is probably why I lost any weight at all.

You GUYS! I can already see a difference ... in my ankles and my wrists. Yep, I'm back into my pre-pregnancy wedding ring. 

But then I see pictures like this

and I feel slightly defeated. 

But I have to remember that I'm not a princess* nor am I the athletic type so I can't really compare myself to her. 

* I'm not a princess that I know of. I'm always ready for Julie Andrews to show up and tell me I'm heir to the throne of a small European country. 

And then there's this gal

Who is apparently "fit-shaming" women all over Facebook.  I didn't even know that was a thing. 

And don't even get me started on Kim K. Click here to go to her Instagram if you haven't seen her bootylicious selfie.  (I maaayyyy have momentarily tried to recreate that pic in the mirror for half a second before I got embarrassed in front of myself)

My point is, there are images all over that can make us feel bad about ourselves after we have a baby.  In fact, I'm pretty sure the latter two ladies (not Kate) posted those pics because they once felt bad about themselves (Psychology 101).

But in reality, it's hard to lose even ONE pound a week for the average new mom.  Motherhood is such a beautiful, wonderful time and I find that putting on my blinders and focusing on the real reason I want to get back into my skinny jeans, to feel great and have energy for my kids, is what keeps me from feeling defeated.  And yes, for some new moms, it does fall right off and you can't hate them for being lucky. (yes, you can)

That being said, I'm so glad it's jacket season!

Here are some helpful links I came across this week:

9 Mommy Diet Traps to Avoid (I'm so guilty of drinking my calories!)

13 Healthy Habits I Just Cannot Get Into

Motivational Quote

What Suri Cruise Said

Delicious Healthy Recipe: Spaghetti Squash with Meat Ragu 

Definitely want to try this Slow Cooker Lentil Soup this week.  

My sister is doing The Whole30 Program and tweeting about it here (has anybody else done this?)


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