I want to be an Island Lady.  It's sort of my ultimate dream.  Just to walk around all barefoot and tan in a flowy caftan eating fresh fruit and being one with the sea (whatever that means).  Of course, I'll totally be the crazy lady that thinks the dolphins are my friends, but that's ok.  It's my happy place when I'm feeling like I need to get out of landlocked Kansas City. 

The person I think of when I think of an Island Lady is India Hicks.  I love her.  She was in Princess Diana's wedding for crying out loud! 

I also love her home in the Bahamas.  I love how it feels very collected and lived-in in appropriate spots and others feel very clean and crisp. 

But what I love most about India Hicks, aside from her quintessential  Island Lady-ness, is that she seems like a great mom who loves her children and wants to preserve a sense of family history for them.  You almost never see family photos in magazine spreads, yet it is a big part her home in certain places, like desktops and bedrooms. Anybody who follows me on Instagram knows that Edward is heavily photographed.  I can't help it.  I want to capture all of the moments.   The problem is I want to display all of the moments, too.  I think she does it well. 

Seriously, how sweet is that? 

Ok, off to play with Edward.  Have a lovely day!


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