Yeah!! Summer is officially here!!! I love Summer, and despite my hugely pregnant state, I love the summer heat.  People keep warning me how miserable I'm going to be, but really y'all, I'm from Texas, I can handle the heat.  Seeing temperatures approaching 90 makes me want to get outside.  I know, I'm crazy. Of course, the air conditioning is on full blast in the house.  I love a good respite from the heat as well ;)

Edward has been rocking the pool with his dinosaurs and Ray-bans.  I'm really cherishing this time with him before Little Robertson arrives.  The other day the ukelele version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" came on while Edward was frolicking in the pool.  Thank God I had my sunglasses on because I was literally choking back tears.  It was a perfect summer moment that I wanted to bottle up and keep forever.  Imagine that? An over-emotional pregnant lady! But really, life is just so simple and good right now.  

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!

THIS FAMILY ROBERTSON: Our Summer in Pictures 

the poem made me cry

Major Chic for Cheap with this summer cocktail table

"North West" if you haven't heard
No, I'm not kidding

I'm loving our backyard right now that all of the hydrangeas are blooming!


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