I was up late the other night browsing the internet when I came across the Holy Grail of blue lacquer butler's pantries.  Yes, it's a thing, searching for blue lacquer butler's pantry holiness, and I found it.  It's in a fabulous Greenwich, Connecticut home by architect Douglas Vanderhorn.

Somebody was all "hey let's make a butler's pantry that will make people go bananas when they see it."  If I had known about this place 5 year's ago, I would have gotten married in this very butler's pantry, and it's future replica in my own home would be part of our wedding vows.  

There are other rooms in the house that are equally, if not more, fabulous.  But c'mon, that pantry deserves some dramatic praise.  

Behold, my dream dining room. 

Cue Debbie Gibson "Only in my Dreams"

Well this kitchen is pretty much perfect as far as I'm concerned.  It even looks real, like people live there and use it.

Bright white for the win. 

Again with the bright white room, I just love it.  It's like you're inside a marshmallow, a fancy marshmallow with beautiful french doors and perfect paneling.  My kids would never be allowed in here.  I'd be all, "go to the basement little rascals!" 

But it's not mean when this is your basement.  I would send myself down here.  I love this basement so much.  It's so cozy and my kids would love those nooks.  I would love those nooks.  Actually, everybody would love those nooks because who doesn't love a good nook.  

* images via Dering Hall (go visit, there's more!)


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