I have no business pillow shopping.  In my defense, I wasn't pillow shopping at all.  I was simply browsing Etsy for gift ideas when a hundred blue and white pillows found me and cried, "please take me home with you?"  It tugged at my heart strings, but I had to remain strong and focused.  I knew I couldn't give them the home they deserved.  And much like the innkeeper said to Mary and Joseph after their long trip to Bethlehem, "there's no room at the inn."  Wait, what's happening? These are pillows for cry in' out loud.  I'll save you from where I was going to take you with this post, but it almost led to a mood board for a super chic barn.

So for your blue and white pleasure, I'll share them with you in hopes that you might find something pretty that you'd like to take home.  Consider it my gift to you.  Click the image to take you to the Etsy listing.

Not Blue & White, but still fun.


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