I'm helping my sissy with her big girl apartment that she's sharing with some friends.  That's such an awkward time for decorating because not only are you on a budget, but you're sharing furniture and combining accessories.  You're also sort of a half grown up so wine and liquor bottles are no longer acceptable decor pieces, but you still drink enough of each to know that "investment pieces" aren't really a great idea ifyouknowwhatimean.  It's expensive to furnish a place, but I think I've found some pieces that aren't too pricey for a young lady starting out.

First, the Ektorp loveseat and chaise lounge from ikea.  Joni endorses it (she used it in her daughter's first apartment here) and she's the boss of slipcovered furniture*.

*I like slipcovers, especially for messy 20 year-olds who eat shells and cheese and drink red wine on the sofa while watching Bachelor Pad.  There are way to many opportunities for one's jaw to drop and little shells to fall out of your mouth onto the sofa and leave a nice little cheese stain.  If you watch Bachelor Pad, you know what I'm talking about (every time Chris from Emily's season talks, the twins, Ed, too many mental giants in one house, the fact that Kalan's kind of the normal one, it's a lot to take in)

Also from Ikea, the Agen chair.  $30. Stackable if you need room for a dance party.

And this Peekaboo clear coffee table from SB2.  To keep it young and fresh.  

The Suze would also require you to have some sort of large tree.  She sent me one when I moved into my first Kansas City apartment.  The front desk people were like, "um yeah, you have a tree in the front office?" I loved it!  Parents, it's a good gift to send your new grown-up kids.  I like a palm or a fiddle leaf fig. 

With those basics you can pretty much accessorize however you'd like.  This is what I did: 

Nothing fancy.  Pretty neutral.  I'm having a yellow moment so I added a pop of yellow.  That's a Slim Aarons print.  There's a way to get those on the cheap, but I'm not going to tell you because I semi-respect copyright laws*.  I love the Pottery Barn jute braided pillow cover.  I have them in my living room in french blue, but I'm wanting some white ones for the next house.  The grey la fiorentina pillows are from Arianna Belle and the metal accordion side table is from Urban Outfitters.  Finally, the rug is from Overstock.  I would not spend a lot on a rug, especially if you anticipate dance parties.  

Hope my young readers found something useful here! 

* Ironically, I focused heavily on copyrights & trademarks in law school.  I say ironically because design bloggers technically violate copyright law all day everyday.  The magazines have figured out how to work with it, rather than taking the music industry route and suing everyone.  I'm of the opinion the laws need to be changed, but that's boring stuff for copyright nerds like me so I'll leave it at that.  


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