Because it's probably not 105 DEGREES yo.  Edward is literally bouncing off the walls. Lit-rally (said in Rachel Zoe's voice).  We've also had to cut him off from his beloved Kung-Fu Panda after I found myself saying, "hugs not hits" and "kisses not kicks" all day long.  I know.  I know.  I want to punch myself in the head for those, but they kind of work.  When I'm all "no you may not have the scissors," Edward will raise his hand at me in frustration then finish with a hug rather than a slap so I consider my superannoying mom-tras a success. Success (said in Borat's voice?).*

Ok, enough about real life.  Let's move on to fantasy life.  Today I came across this fab London space by Rose Uniacke.  I figured it's appropriate since, you know, the Olympics are in London and everything.  (P.S. Last night was soo goood. USA!)  Anyway, it's just such an elegant, well-done space that's very different from my own froofy, flowery more-is-more tendencies.

So cool.

You can find more of her work here.

*apologies to the fabulous Rosie Uniacke for what I'm sure is one of the weirdest introductions to her work.  I so hope she never reads this.


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