* The Suze's house pre renovation. Not bad! 

Soo many links to share! So little time! But I love sharing these posts.  If you know me in real life, you know these posts are no different than my cocktail party conversations (or pizza and wine with my friends and kids).  I corner people and then become a relentless soldier in pursuit of making sure they know just how awesome something is.  As I type this, I realize, it's probably really socially awkward of me. 

Anywaayyy, I just want to say a big random thank you to those of you take the time to comment on this blog. I would be perfectly happy sitting here chatting out to the universe even if no one was reading.  But it's so nice at the end of the day, to feel like I've had a conversation about something that delights me. So to those of you who take the time to ask a question or leave a nice little note at the end of a post, I appreciate you!  You really make me feel like I had a little conversation about something that's not, "how do you want me to cut your sandwich? No, I can't do rhinoceros.  I can do a triangle or square."  Really, y'all keep me sane (relatively). 

And don't worry folks who have trouble leaving comments or just plain don't have time. I totally understand. It's hard for me to comment from my phone so I never get to leave as much feedback for my blog friends as I'd like to on a given day. 

I'll probably be here forever talking about silly decor until I'm blue in the face, and I love all of you who take the time to read! 

A simple, fresh (super delicious) tomato sauce I made this week (a couple of weeks ago) 

An interesting article on design blogging. (Note: I don't think anyone will ever accuse me of machine-like content generation)
My new favorite book to read to Edward (it's another one that makes me teary)

Gorgeous blue and white pillows on Etsy 

My friend has been using this Water Sleeping Mask and her skin is looking so pretty and glowy.  (and you can get it at Target!)


Shutter Love for The Suze

An Enchanting Blue and White Dinner Party

I could love Nantucket.  I really could.

Blush Pink Love

Chic Tray Styling

Pretty Old School Rooms

There is a pink feather turkey in this post that I may have to order if it's still there.

Seagrass or Sisal?


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