I'm so happy to finally get to share this with you!  I remember a little less than a year ago when I announced that we signed a contract on our dream house (on this design blog), a few of y'all were disappointed I wasn't announcing baby news.  I kind of love that because there's no one who loves baby news more than I do (so if you have any, feel free to share). 

Some of my friends figured it out when I was complaining about how sick I was earlier.  I have had a pretty bad case of morning sickness this time around.  Not Kate Middleton bad or anything, but not the most fun.  Hoping it subsides sooner rather than later.  I'll have some posts next week on my family blog documenting how I told Kip and the rest of the family if anyone's interested.  Basically,  I made a long video slideshow of pictures of Edward to a Justin Bieber song (naturally) with a special surprise at the end.  It was pretty funny to see the different reactions. 

Needless to say, we are over the moon excited! We will for sure be finding out what we're having.  No, I don't care whether it's a boy or a girl despite my recent pink obsession.  If it's a boy, all the more reason to pepper the rest of the house with pink, right? I figure, I'll get the child I'm supposed to have.

Thanks for coming back and visiting! I hope this makes up for the lack of posts this week.  I promise I'll be back to regularly scheduled programming next week.



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