Hello Lovers! How funny is this Valentine card?  It's funny because it's true.  I read most of the 500 blogs I follow on my phone, and Kip thinks it's so weird and maybe slightly annoying that I sit in bed and scroll through my phone. 

Y'all have any fun Valentine's Day plans?  We don't have much planned.  We went out to dinner last week when we had access to babysitters (aka Kip's parents).  For those in KC, we had an incredible meal at 801 Fish.  I highly recommend it.  I'm excited because we may be getting our new sofa today.  And I finally put together a wedding album (5 year's later), and it should be here tomorrow!! I decided not to order an album from the photographer because I wanted to use so many more images than I was allowed.  I also LOVE putting together things like that. 

I used Blurb's Booksmart, which I have had great success with before.  It was so fun to revisit our wedding.  It was such a magical evening.  Everyone was just in a fantastic mood and ready to party.  I remember stopping and looking around at one point and people weren't even dancing, they were just jumping straight up and down.  Grown-ups and kids.  By the end of the night people were drenched in sweat, arm-in-arm swaying back and forth and singing Piano Man to us.  It was so surreal to feel all of that love on top of the love that we already had for each other. 

So have a lovely weekend celebrating your loves, whomever they are! 

And if you aren't feeling the love this year, just know that I love you for visiting my silly, little blog. 


10 Pink Paint Colors for paint addicts like me

Life with Two Kids - I can soo relate to this

Bruce Jenner: I can't even, I just can't, but if you're a glutton for punishment you should

RECIPE:  I want to make this crab salad with avocado


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