Oh, you know, just watching Teen Mom and werkin' on some of Edward's birthday decorations.  Don't judge.  I became emotionally invested in the first season of 16 and Pregnant and now I feel a sense of duty to watch these ladies and make sure they're okay.

Anyway, sorry for not posting any decorative pretties today.  During the two hour window in which Edward is awake and has a full tummy, I run all over town getting stuff for his birthday.

Here is a sneak peak:

Where's the blue and white you ask? It will be there. Don't worry.  Red is Edward's favoritest color, and, I mean, it is his birthday even though I'm secretly celebrating the fact that I made it a year with only a total of 44 hours of sleep...total...I'm not even being dramatic.  I hope to distract him with red balloons and yummy treats so he doesn't get overwhelmed by all of the people.  He's turning into a very sensitive little man.  

And just to show you that he's not all trouble, here he is attempting to fold my dirty laundry. 

That's so nice of him.  He loves to help fold.  He doesn't really know how to fold, but he pretends and I appreciate that.  

I promise next week I will have more interior eye candy and less me. Thanks for hangin' in there!  If you haven't entered my Hadley Pottery Giveaway, do it ---> HERE.  You have until Friday to enter and the winners will be announced on Monday! 



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