Hey y'all! Hope everyone had a lovely Fourth of July weekend! I know The Suze was partying hardy because she managed to go swimming with her phone.  She has now forever lost her position as Judger of the Absurdly Negligent Phone Users in our house.  Sorry about that Mom!

I don't know about y'all, but I'm exhausted.  In the spirit of Independence Day, Edward took his first steps (yikes!).  He also took advantage of the fact that we were not at home and made sure we knew that he would like to be rocked back to sleep every 2 to 3 hours throughout the night.  I need a time-out.

Every mom out there knows that the best place to hide from your family is the bathroom.  The best part is, the longer you're in there, the less likely they are going to come in and get you. Sometimes you just need 5 or 10 minutes to recharge.  The Suze knows all about this.  So here are some of the bathrooms and powder rooms that she's collected over the years, which I'm sure she imagined as a hiding spot from us wild children.  She'll be in town next week to get in some granny smooches with the munchkin so I hope she'll bring me some more inspiration!


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