Hello friends! So sorry for my long absence. I thought I would have all this time to blog once I got to Dallas. Ha! I should've known better. Anyway, I'm coming to you from my phone until I can find a computer I can use and a closet I can hide in for 20 minutes. I wanted to share some of the The Suze's Christmas decorations as well as my own before the day was over.
First, The Suze. 

(You will see by the number of stockings why I never had a moment to myself. I love our big family and the times we are all together is very, very rare)

Lots of blue and white! 

And my house, before we left. 

I purchased these blue and white ornaments immediately after seeing this post that my dear friend made sure I saw. 

I'll post a link when I can get to a computer but follow her on Insta stat. I'm already preparing for a blue and white Christmas tree next year!! 

We had a wonderful Christmas and as cheesy as it sounds, we are really happily counting our blessings.  I hope y'all had a fabulous Christmas. I have so much to share in the next few weeks (not a teaser, I just literally have so much decor stuff to talk about its making me crazy). Love you all! Merry Christmas!! 


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