In the magic moments of quiet peace in this house, when all of the children are asleep, a unicorn waltzes by me and winks and I start entering mood board contests on Polyvore.  

Because y'all, it's fun.  I love making mood boards.  It reminds me of my days in J-School Advertising classes being all creative and computer graphicky (I just made up that word).  Even though the creative part could be mind numbingly difficult and often involved staring at a wall for two hours the end result was always so gratifying. 

So tonight I entered one to win some moneys from Wayfair. 

I won't ask you to go like this one like I did the other day, I just thought I'd share it with you.  You had to "update your living room" and use two items from Wayfair that they provided.  I chose the blue and white pillows (naturally) and the brass barrel tables with arrows (I'm super bummed they are sold out because I love them).  I've never ordered from and only recently learned of them when I obsessively watched House Hunters on HGTV this summer (I had to quit because they were starting to repeat and it stressed me out)

So here it is. I hope you like.  I can't promise it's the last. 


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