Peter Dunham via Habitually Chic

My Personal New Year's Resolutions:

  1. Gain 15 lbs, I'm soo skinny y'all 
  2. Be harder on myself
  3. Stop fussing over my looks, I always look so put together when I leave the house that I'm sure I'm making everyone around me jealous
  4. Give in to Edward a little more, poor guy never gets anything he wants 
  5. Take up modeling

Belclaire House Resolutions:

  1. Make a better effort to interact with those of y'all who comment because I want you to know how much I appreciate it.  I always have good intentions and then I look over and my two year old is unrolling the toilet paper or standing on the piano keys and I get sidetracked, so this year I'm going to come up with a system.  
  2. Complete some projects - Edward's big boy room, master bedroom and bathroom, two secret projects to be shared later
  3. Only buy things for my house that I love 
  4. Buy local - I really need to explore Kansas City more, I spent my first three years here in the bubble of law school and I really need to get out and go to all of the amazing antique shops I always hear about. 

I'm very VERY excited for 2013.  2012 was pretty amazing, but I can already tell 2013 is going to be even better!!! I have some great ideas and a few fun things cooking so stay tuned!!

Do y'all have any good resolutions I can steal? I'd love to hear them! 


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