Kip loves to watch movies over and over and over.  Many times he puts one on to fall asleep and then passes out five minutes into it leaving me to finish the movie.  Then he tries to watch it again the next night because he "hasn't seen it in awhile."  Sometimes the movies are questionable sleepy time movies, like Gangs of New York or The Departed.  I cannot watch anything violent, upsetting or disturbing before bed (or really ever). I'm very passionate about this rule so I usually have a nice little freak out on him when it's something like that.  This week it's been Horrible Bosses or Midnight in Paris.  I loved Midnight in Paris and am happy to watch it over and over again.  

I love the hotel room where much of the movie takes place.

The scenes were filmed in Le Bristol Paris.  I've been really drawn to lavender and white lately.  I'm thinking this would be great for a guest room or a young girl's room.

This room is so pretty and fresh and elegant.  I've never really been a big purple person, but that's starting to change.  I love lavender and white together paired with pale blue or silver sage or just on it's own with gold accents like in the room above.  Here's some more lavender and white for y'all.

Southern Accents
Phoebe Howard

via Pinterest
via Elements of Style

via The Decorista 

from my files (I can't remember the source)
Kendall Wilkinson

via Pinterest
Elle Decor
Knight Carr & Company

Basically, I love a touch of lavender and lots of white or pale blue. Thoughts? Now if you haven't seen Midnight in Paris go watch it.  It's fantastic! 

Have a lovely day! 

P.S. Is anyone else having enormously frustrating formatting issues with blogger today? The white space at the top of this post is turning me into a crazy person.  I almost gave up on this post 6 times.  Just thought I'd check.


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